Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
SCIOTHECA provides individual consultations (for ERC, MSCA PFs or other HORIZON EUROPE proposals) and training modules for group of trainees (for MSCA PFs or ERC). Individual approach allows thoroughly understanding the client´s research proposal’s strengths and weaknesses and tailoring the consultancy to the specific situation and individual needs of each researcher. Group training, on the other hand, provides an opportunity to share applicant´s problems and struggles, obtain useful feedback and receive support from other research fellows.
Individual consultations for MSCA PF :
Grant writing support for candidate of MSCA PF
Represents proposal revision including identifying main strengths and possible weaknesses, providing comments and suggestions, assistance with developing impact and implementation sections, practical advice on preparing the candidate´s career development plan, dissemination and exploitation plan as well as the communication strategy, help with budgetary planning and completing the ethics section.
Our guide for applicants of MSCA PF Towards a Winning MSCA PF Step-by-Step:
Training modules:
Step-by-step towards winning MSCA PF
Customized workshop targets researchers (applicants and their supervisors), helps to gain correct understanding the MSCA PF scheme, guides applicants through proposal development from the initial idea to a clearly formulated and logically structured proposal, in line with the evaluator´s expectations. The workshop will explain the content of each proposal section and demonstrate practical examples.