Our motivation
The motivation and the driving force of our work is great enthusiasm for science and the satisfaction of implementing amazing projects with the capacity to change the world around us for the better. We focus the consultancy on ERC and MSCA PF for the following reasons:
- ERC and MSCA PF are a flagship for H2020 and HORIZON EUROPE
- they are the most prestigious funding resources
- both target talented individuals with the potential to leave an indelible mark in the world of innovations and scientific research
- importantly, we have acquired extensive experience and great joy preparing and implementing both types of grants.
Let´s name few reasons why we consider establishing new COST Actions important and benefitial for science:
- COST Actions bring new emerging topics to the broader research focus
- they enable networking of scattered experts in the same field and make their research more effective
- COST Actions’ aim is to turn competition into collaboration
- COST Actions are often an entrance gate for a long-term, internationally recognized collaboration, also at a grant level.